
Friday, April 16, 2010

Hello Friday, you are looking good!

A big shout out to Sherwin (a new friend who stopped by my blog yesterday) for sharing this verse with me. I had to share it with ya'll today, I know there is someone else out there who needs to hear it.

Have you ever just needed to hear something? THAT verse is something that I needed to hear today. Thank you again Sherwin!

I've tried the following website out the past few weeks and have made some new friends, so I  wanted to post about it. Welcome everyone from New Friend Friday!

This website allows you to meet fellow bloggers. It seems practically everyone on there is very creative and always posting a new craft item or recipe. Sadly, I'm not that creative (and we all know I can't cook-well, if you know me, you know that I can't cook). I know how to plastic canvas stitch, that is about it (my grandma taught me how). I keep promising my friend Lindsay I will make her a Kleenex box cover (speaking of which, I need ideas Linds!) Once I do that, I will post it on here. Until then, here are a few items I made at Christmas for some friends: 

For my friend Martha, I made Veggie Tales magnets. These are two of the three that I made. Her grandsons love them when they go visit her!

For my friend Paula, I made this plastic canvas Christmas stocking. This was quite possibly one of the hardest patterns I've ever worked on, but I enjoyed it!

I know what you are thinking. I plastic canvas stitch and my favorite actor is Dick Van Dyke. I'm a 60 year old trapped in a 31 year old body. Sometimes I feel about 60. But I'm told I look about 25 (23 on a good day). Although a few weeks ago I went to my nephew's high school baseball game and I was asked if I was a student. I almost hugged the guy! :)

Anyways, happy Friday friends!! Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Love that we both love the same verse of scripture...kindred spirits!!! Thanks for stopping by my humble blog!

  2. I'm your newest follower from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative. I love you blog. Can't wait to read more.


  3. ooooohhh very crafty:) I love the layout-reasons why I'll be stalking you now:) and the LORD is sooo good!:) Happy Friday!

  4. Hi there, Found you through New Friend Friday. Love the Veggie Tales Magnets! Oh, and I like Dick Van Dyke too...was lucky enough to hear him read at the Candlelight Processional at Disneyland a few years back. Very cool.

    Kristin @ Adventures of a Betty Crocker Wanna-Be

  5. Hi-thanks for stopping by my blog. I can't cook either!! Hope you have a nice weekend!

  6. Thank you for the scripture, i needed to read that!
    You have a lovely blog!
    Happy New friend Friday!
    Following your blog now, come follow me!
    Gros bisous

  7. Hi, I know I'm late in becoming a follower from New Friends Friday, but I just noticed you had visited my site the other day. Thank you so much and God Bless you and yours

  8. Did you know Sherwin's my dad? Just throwing that out to show how small this world is after all! Hope you had a great weekend!

  9. Welcome all my new followers and friends!! I hope you enjoy your stay here! :)

    Sherilee: I saw he followed your blog, I was wondering if that was your dad. Tell him I really appreciated the verse!! :)
