
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Habitat for Humanity

This past Saturday some fellow co-workers and I had the pleasure of working on a house with a great team from Habitat for Humanity. I had never helped out building a house before so I was a little nervous about what I would be doing. The team from Habitat was great and explained exactly what we needed to do (they even loaned me a tool belt!) : ) I felt very professional!

I spent the morning putting up an insulation dam around the garage area and front door, and then after a quick lunch break, I was up on the roof nailing down shingles. If you don't know me, I'm not the biggest fan of heights, especially heights that don't have something around you or a rope in case you fall. But I eventually got used to it (I even stood up, instead of scooting around on my butt!)

I thought I would share a few pictures with you. Pictures are courtesy of my friends Monica, Kaci and Mary.

Looking cute with my toolbelt!

Waiting on instructions.

Waiting for the pre-build meeting to start (okay, I'm smiling at the camera). Unlike Michael who is not paying attention! :)

This picture was taken after we carried 85 pound bags of shingles to the side of the house. My shoulder still hasn't recovered!

Nailing up the insulation dam.

Me and Marci finishing up the insulation dam.

The team that brought lunch was welcomed with open arms!

At this point I'm not too sure if I want to be climbing up there!

 I made it to the top! Well, the top of the ladder at least!

Praying I don't fall!

It was very windy, my cap almost blew off once. Look mom, no hands!

Victory! I'm now Rachel the Roofer!

 I think this is when I got scratched by the sheet of shingles. It was only a flesh wound, I survived! : )

Me and Marci perfecting our "shingling skills".

Yes, we were having fun!

Me and Christy taking a much needed afternoon break!

Pink Doing Green...Go team!!


  1. this is sooooooo awesome...envy you! looks like an amazing time and better yet for a good cause! xoxo
