
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Giddy 15-year old girl moment...

Sorry friends, you have been warned (and my close friends are already aware of this), when I meet someone famous, I turn into a giddy 15-year old girl. ESPECIALLY around baseball players (I know, I know, they are "regular, normal people", but I can't help it). : )

Okay, as Rangers fans know, Ian Kinsler has been on the DL since Spring Training. He's scheduled to return to the Rangers line up THIS FRIDAY. Anyways, they decided to have him play a few games with their AA team, the Frisco Roughriders, before his return. His first game was last night. Luckily, I was already planning on going to that game with my friend Will (yes, yes, he had free tickets. I know, my "spiritual gift" is being able to obtain free tickets from friends. God is good, what can I say?) :) Thanks again Will for the tickets (and for letting two of my peeps have the extra ones). So, when we get there, they are giving out Ian Kinsler bobbleheads (he played with the team back in 2004, I think these were leftovers). We realized that other Roughrider team members were signing autographs near the third base side, so my friend Monica and I decided to chance it to see if Ian would sign the bobblehead box (it was the only thing we had). We realized while waiting that neither one of us had a pen or marker. This sweet little boy overheard us talking about it and offered to share his extra Sharpie marker (the kid was prepared- he had baseballs, pens, baseball cards, and other things to be signed. I can learn from him).

I know, I'm rambling. Moving on. Ian eventually walked out. He was very sweet. He gave one of his bats to this little boy and he signed so many autographs. When he finally got to where Monica and I were waiting, we asked if we could get a picture, and he was like, absolutely. Very nice guy. Looking forward to him being back in the Rangers line up!

Me and Ian. Yes, it looks like I'm holding his hand, but I swear he was just handing me back the marker. I just didn't move my hand until after the picture! : )

Monica and Ian. We'll never tell him that we were both wearing our Jarrod Saltalamacchia T-shirts! : )

Our view of the field (with Ian up to bat).

 The man with the tickets- thanks buddy!

Me and my peeps! A cool front decided to hit and the temperature dropped to like 60 degrees before the game started. I'm so thankful Monica had extra jackets in her car!

Me and Deuce- one of the Roughriders mascots (Daisy is the other one). He's supposed to be a prairie dog, but we thought he looked more like a Chupacabra.

If you are ever near the Frisco area, I highly recommend going to a Roughriders game. The park is very family friendly (there is even a playground for the kiddos). The cheap seats are $7 and the most expensive seats are $19. Honestly there isn't a bad seat in the park. I think the "cheap seats" are 26 rows from the field. Food prices are about what they are at any major league ballpark. Unlike the Ballpark in Arlington, you cannot bring in outside food or drinks. They do allow you to bring in bottled water, but the label has to be removed. You can check out the Roughriders website for more info!


  1. I came over via Tuesday Tag-Along and decided to follow you. I hope you will come see me. I am #4 Traci66 on Mr. Linky or I am lining up some reviews and giveaways from some various businesses, these will be starting soon. Maybe Monday. I hope you will come join me for some fun. Happy Tuesday.

  2. The pictures are adorable. I love going to baseball games. It's been so long since I've been to a game. *sigh*

  3. Wow, you look pretty excited! Now, if you could only meet Dick Van Dyke... ;)

  4. you are too funny!! glad you got to meet him... seriously, where do i sign up for the "free tickets" spiritual gift???? :)

  5. Totally Awesome! I went to a baseball game in St.Louis once when I was little on vacation. It looks like you had a great time with your friends. Great photos also. HAVE A BLESS DAY!!!

    Visit my blog at

  6. I think you are fun with your excitement! You'd be a great person to go to a game with.

  7. Welcome to my new followers!! :) I have checked out your blogs and am following you as well! :)

    Kristin: If I ever meet Dick Van Dyke, I'm sure I would faint! :) Oh, I hope to meet him one day!

    Kat: If you would move back to Texas, I could hook you up with tickets (I'm just saying!) :) Miss you soul sista!

    Debbie and Gina: I am a lot of fun at baseball games (especially when I start disagreeing with the umpires calls!) ;)
