
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday Ramblings

I know, I used that same title last week, but who knows, it might become a "weekly" thing.

First of all, I want to wish a very happy, happy, happy 37th birthday to my favorite nerd, Jim Parsons. Well, he plays a nerd on TV. My fellow watchers of The Big Bang Theory know him as Dr. Sheldon Cooper. It's a hilarious show. It comes on CBS on Monday nights. I so love him. He's my nerd crush. Oh yes, I'm very serious about that! I **heart** you Jim!

I have to post a few video clips of him from the show.  

This is quite possibly my favorite scene (so far) of The Big Bang Theory.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

For my fellow sports fans, I'm sure you have heard by now that Minnesota Twins catcher Joe Mauer has agreed to an 8 year, $184 million contract extension. Yes, you read that correctly.

I'm a sports fan. I love watching sports. I love my sports athletes. But don't get me started on how much they are overpaid, I like keeping this a family friendly blog! : ) Anyway, so back to Joe. His contract is the fourth largest in Major League history.

ESPN has a website where you can put in your yearly salary and it will tell you how many years you would have to work to make what he does. It also tells you how long it takes him to earn what you make in a year. It's kinda depressing but if you want to check it out, you can click HERE. It would take me over 500 years to make what he does. Also, it  takes him less than half of ONE game to make what I make in a year. There is an option to pick another athlete and find out the same information.

And lastly, a friend sent me an article yesterday that made me laugh out loud. The second installment of the movies, New Moon, came out on DVD this past weekend. It seems that a screening of the movie was recently shown to a pack of wolves at Longleat Safari Park, which is located in Wiltshire, England. No, I'm not kidding. I don't want to repost the story without permission, so click HERE to read the story. It's really quite funny. There is also a video, which I've posted below. My favorite line was when the guy said "they are not Team Edward, they are definitely Team Jacob." HA HA HA! Okay, maybe I'm the only one who finds that funny!

We are half-way through the week, make it a good one!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for finding me today! It was the perfect day for me to come over and see your blog too, as I'm a huge Jim Parsons fan. Great clips! I look forward to reading your blog too and you're in my reader now.
