
Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy birthday Momma!

I wanted to dedicate my post to wishing my mom a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I can't be there today, but I'm going "home" next Thursday for Easter weekend (hooray for a long weekend!!)

Me and my folks at Christmas last year

For those who don't know my family, my parents were blessed to have five children. Then, twenty years after their first child was born, they were blessed even more by having a sixth child, me, or as I like to be called, the favorite (yay, if my siblings read this post I can only imagine what their comments will be!) :) Before you say anything, I prefer the term "bonus baby". I would like to think that I've kept my parents feeling young (although they tell me they didn't have gray hair until I came along).

My mom is amazing. She is a God-fearing woman who loves the Lord, her husband, her children, her grandchildren, and her great-grandchildren. I can only hope to be half the wonderful woman that my mom is. Love you mom!! 

Some of my mom's school pictures

For the record, this is the ONLY picture of me in a bikini that you will ever see!



  1. Yup, it was naturally blonde when I was younger. As I got older, it turned darker.

  2. I hopped over from New Friend Friday and I am so happy that I did! Happy Birthday,"Mom"! Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day this week when you get a moment. until later...
