
Saturday, March 20, 2010

The First Day of Spring...

You would think on the first day of spring I would be posting pictures of wildflowers (like our beautiful state flower the bluebonnet).

Or scenic pictures from a motorcycle ride (which, by the way, I took last weekend with a friend of mine). FYI, I was not driving. And yes mom, I wore a helmet! :)

But here I am posting pictures of the view outside my door at this very moment.


Oh yes, that is snow. I think this is the fifth or sixth snow that we've had this season. Again, for anyone not from Texas reading this, bear with me. We just aren't used to this kind of cold and snowy winter. Well, technically it's spring now. But still, the fact that it's almost April and I'm fighting the urge to turn on my heater, that is just crazy. I'm very grateful my parents got me a Snuggie for Christmas. I've been wrapped up in it all evening watching a movie (yes, the movie that came out today. Yes, I went and bought it. Don't judge! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think we got like 6 inches of snow....and its supposed to be 70 tomorrow!!! Flip flops, here I come!!! :)
