
Friday, January 8, 2010

Give You Glory...

Have you ever woken up singing a song? The past two mornings I have woken up with this song in my head: Give You Glory by Jeremy Camp. I personally think it's a great way to start the day, recognizing who we should be giving glory to all the time. I'll admit, there are times throughout the day when I don't feel like giving anyone or anything glory. I just want to sit, pout and have a "woe is me" pity party. It's kinda hard to do that when you hear this song though, at least in my opinion.

When I'm having a bad day (or having "a moment" at work- my close co-workers know what I mean), I put on this song. It helps me remember that no matter what is going on, it only matters that God is the one I am giving glory to. It doesn't matter that the system at work is running snail-pace slow. It doesn't matter that no one wants to take responsibility for their projects. It doesn't matter that some of my co-workers aren't doing what they are supposed to, and making my job 10 times harder (can you tell it's been one of those days at work)? I just need to stop, and remember who it's really all about. It's not all about me (I know, some of you are shocked), but it's not. It's about our Lord God Almighty.

For those who don't know the song, here is a YouTube video of it:

Give You Glory by Jeremy Camp

We have raised a thousand voices
Just to lift Your holy name
And we will raise thousands more
To sing of Your beauty in this place
Well none can even fathom
No not one define Your worth
As we marvel in Your presence
To the ends of the earth.

We give You glory,
Lifting up our hands and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart
Glory, lifting up our voice and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart

As we fall down before You
With our willing hearts we seek
In the greatness of Your glory
It's so hard to even speak
There is nothing we can offer
No nothing can repay
So we give You all our praises
And lift our voice to sing

We give You glory,
Lifting up our hands and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart
Glory, lifting up our voice and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart

Our hope is drenched in You
Our faith has been renewed
We trust in Your every word
Nothing else can even measure up to You.
We give You glory,
Lifting up our hands and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart
Glory, lifting up our voice and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart

Speaking of giving God glory, I saw this interview last night of Colt McCoy, the now former quarterback for the University of Texas Longhorns (he's a senior, this was his last game). I don't personally know Colt, but after seeing this interview with him, I think he showed some real class. I appreciate how he still was giving God glory, despite getting hurt and missing the biggest game of his college career. God bless you Colt, may God lead you where He wants you to go!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this song. You're right, what a great way to start the day. Praising the One who woke us up! Without Him, we'd still be sleeping ... ! :)
